ABCDE = melanoma screening

Skin cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in the U.S.. The #1 way to prevent skin cancer is to use sunscreen and avoid sun exposure. Early detection is also key to good long-term prognosis.

Melanocytes are tiny, pigment-producing cells responsible for a whole lot of prejudice in human history as well as possible cancerous mutations in the form of melanoma. Thankfully, one can recognize early signs of melanoma through the ABCDE screening method, which coincidentally describes a number of family/relationship issues.

A for Asymmetry: asymmetrical moles can be cause for concern, as can any kind of favoritism among children, or someone loving another much more than one is loved back (if at all).

B for Boundaries: smooth and even borders to a mole are good; scalloped or blurred lines are not. Children will ceaselessly test boundaries, and discontent significant others will push the limits until they break.

C for Color: even coloring in a mole is good; several shades of red, brown, blue, etc. are not. Splotchy from crying all night or motley with suspicious-looking bruises--also no bueno.

D for Diameter: a mole, or mistake, that grows bigger than a pink pencil-tip eraser can become dangerous and require surgical erasing.

E for Evolving: changes in size, shape, color, or other characteristics, can be a red flag, like when one's partner suddenly develops a paunch from stress-eating or binge drinking, or appears to be concealing a possible pregnancy.


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