
Showing posts from 2018

Erotomania = delusional love


3.17. Carbuncle = carpooling furuncles

3.16. Tx = treatment

3.15. SIM = simulation

3.14. Metaphorsis

3.13. NOTES = natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery

3.12. MBPS = Munchausen by proxy syndrome

3.11. Sign = objective evidence of disease

3.10. Crisis = time-limited, disruptive, challenge

3.9. Pain = pieces of hurt

3.8. CHD = congenital heart disease

3.7. LE = life expectancy

3.6. Chromosomes = genetic material

3.5. Dentis = teeth

3.4. Infection = invasion

3.3. Cardiac = of the heart

3.2. ABO = blood type

3.1. 灰 = Gray

hepatic = everything liver

TKD = taekwondo

ROS = reactive oxygen series; free radicals

Nonmaleficence = do no harm

ABCDE = melanoma screening

CA = cancer

Attachment = bidirectional bonding & trust

Rule of Nines: quick method to assess burns

ACS = acute compartment syndrome

Matrescence = a woman's transition into parenthood

Fallophobia = fear of falling