Week 12. pH= power of hydrogen

The Kübler-Ross stages of grief provide a perfect model to comprehend blood pH (among other things).
Denial, neutral, pH 7.35-7.45: One feels neither acidic or alkaline, somewhat ambivalent, almost okay. Also, maybe this was all just a misunderstanding, a nightmare, a midautumn night's dream. Just wake up, and all that transpired will poof, and one can carry on like before.

Anger, acidosis, pH 6.90-7.35: One's so metabolically upset one's lungs are hyperventilating, or so busy yelling & arguing one forgets to breathe and kidneys are dropping sodium bicarb like crazy. Blame, frustration, accusation. Do not keep sliding left down that slippery slope, because acidosis means denaturalization of one's proteins--past the tipping point one plummets all the way to uncertain death.

Bargaining, neutral, pH 7.35-7.45: One tries to make a deal, make the most of things, strike a bargain with supernatural entities, dead ancestors, former partners, the universe. I'll do anything, if only... For a moment it seems that might actually work.

Depression, a swing of the pendulum to the right, alkalosis, pH 7.45-7.80: Sadness, sobbing so hard and from such a deep place one ends up having a hard time getting any breaths in, holding on to that last bit of CO2 to keep from keeling over to the right. Why even bother? Or maybe one already hyperventilated so much one's blood pH almost climbs beyond 7.80, which will inevitably lead to falling over the cliff. Mortality.

Acceptance, neutral. All the compensating and swinging back and forth finally lands one in a comfortable place. Healthy emotional detachment requires a subtle balance--not too mad, not too sad, not hot, not cold, not perfect, but ultimately, can't complain.


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