
Showing posts from 2017

ILASIK = Intralase Laser Assisted in-Situ Keratomileusis

LOC = Level of Consciousness

Week 17. HS = Hour of Sleep

Week 16. LPAT = Leveled Physical Assessment Tool

Week 15. TOD = Time of Death

Week 14. Rx = prescription

Week 13. DM = Diabetes Mellitus

Week 12. pH= power of hydrogen

Week 11. CN = charge nurse

Week 10. CPR = cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Week 9. HF = heart failure

Week 8. PRN = pro re nata, as needed

Week 7. D/C = discontinue or discharge

Week 6. EtOh = Alcohol

Week 5. Drsg = dressing

Week 4. IM = intramuscular

Week 3. Inj = injection

Week 2. ADL = activities of daily living

Week 1. Nsg = nursing


How to Buy Your College Textbooks For Free or Cheap

Needle Phobia

Some Tips from Orientation

What's in a Uniform?

To Be A Nurse